Your Handy Guide to What Most People Really Mean When They Cry ‘Censorship’

Ever had a comment removed from an intersectional feminist page and had no idea why? This comic has the real deal on what’s going on – and why it has nothing to do with free speech or “censorship.”

If you recognize yourself here, think about what this means for how you express your views. Can you spot where there’s room for disagreement without violating safe spaces?

And if you’ve ever had to deal with comments like these, now you’ve got this handy guide to share! Pass it on to spread this smart message.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Josette Souza is the Program Associate for Everyday Feminism. She’s a working-class Afro-latinx and recent first-generation college graduate currently living in Mexico. Her favorite things in the world are Black liberation, intersectional feminism, and offering her condolences to the people who failed to bring her down by telling her that getting a degree in Africana studies would mean never getting a good job.

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