12 Things Not to Say to People with Depression

Do you know someone with depression? It’s very likely that you do – and you might have said something hurtful when you were trying to help them.

Marina Watanabe’s got tips to help you avoid doing just that. She asked people with depression about the comments they receive and found several trends among loved ones and acquaintances who try to help, but end up doing more harm than good.

We hope this helps you understand how depression works, and how you can support people dealing with it, instead of adding to their struggles.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Marina Watanabe is a Contributing Vlogger for Everyday Feminism and a vlogger, blogger, overenthusiastic tweeter, college student, and creator of embarrassing literary tees. Check out her Tumblr, or follow her on Twitter @marinashutup!

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