I’m Latino. I’m Hispanic. And They’re Different, So I Drew a Comic to Explain

Original published on Terry Blas’s blog and republished here with the artist’s permission.

Do you know the difference between Latinx and Hispanic? Many people don’t, but check out this awesome illustration of artist Terry Blas’ experiences with both identities, and you’ll understand.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Terry Blas is the illustrator and writer behind the web series Briar Hollow and creator and writer of the comic, Here Nor There. He’s also done covers forBravest Warriors and Adventure Timewith Boom! Studios and The Legend of Bold Riley with Northwest Press. He is the host of the pop culture examination, The Gnerd Podcast. He loves comics, movies, unicorns, cheese and diet coke. He is a member of Portland Oregon’s Periscope Studio. You can check out his website and Patreon, follow him on Twitter @terryblas, and find him on Tumblr

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