Speaker 1: My best friend just came out as asexual, and I don’t know if I should tell her I am, too.
Speaker 2: When I tell people I’m asexual, they stare at me like I’m a fucking unicorn. According to a lot of people, we don’t exist.
Speaker 3: I’m openly asexual at school, but not at home. I’ve tried to tell my parents, but they say it’s a phase, that I’ll think differently when I’m older.
Speaker 4: It makes me angry when people laugh because I’m 17 and I’m still a virgin. They don’t understand that I’m asexual.
Speaker 5: I hate it when people say I can’t know I’m asexual because I never tried having sex. That’s like saying you can’t know you’re straight without having been with someone of the same gender.
Speaker 6: Today I told the girl who was crushing on me that I’m asexual. She hates me now.
Speaker 7: I’m scared people won’t find me as pretty if they find out I’m asexual.
Speaker 8: Just because I’m not sexually attracted to anyone and I don’t want to have sex, it doesn’t mean I don’t want a loving relationship.
Speaker 9: I feel that being asexual reduces my chances of finding a relationship.
Speaker 10: Asexuals get no love. These days, it seems there’s no love if there’s no sex.
Speaker 11: I am asexual. I am also a victim of sexual assault. Although people try to tell me they are, I can 100% say that those two facts are completely unrelated.
Speaker 12: The one thing that scares me the most about the future is spending it alone because I’m asexual.
Speaker 13: I just came out as asexual to my boyfriend. He was totally cool with it. Oh, I love him so much!
Speaker 14: To all my fellow asexuals out there, you are not broken. We are not broken.
Speaker 15: I’m asexual, and I’m hot as fuck.