This Cartoon Nails the 32 Types of Anti-Feminists – How Many Have You Come Across?

Have you gotten pushback against your feminist beliefs? On social media, in colleges, in comedy, and more, you’ve probably come across one of these anti-feminists.

The Rationalist, the GamerGater, Mr. Buzzword – if you recognize any of these people, you’ll love these depictions of their misguided (to say the least) points of view. Which one has bothered you most?

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism


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Barry Deutsch is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism living in Portland. You can read more of his political cartoons on his Patreon. He also creates Hereville, a comic about an 11-year-old Orthodox Jewish girl who wants to fight monsters, and (with Becky Hawkins) SuperButch, a comic about a lesbian superhero in the 1940s. Check out his blog and follow him on Twitter and on Tumblr.

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