What’s Up with the Stigma Against Men Who Use Sex Toys?

We’ve come a long way when it comes to women and vibrators – but have you noticed the double standard society applies to men who use sex toys?

These men are often stereotyped as creepy perverts or desperate losers. This stereotype says a lot about our ideas of modern masculinity – and like every stereotype, it’s based on some really misguided info.

In this video, Cristen Conger of Stuff Your Mom Never Told You will fill you in on the numbers behind men’s sex toy use in the United States, and shut down the assumption that you’re “not a real man” if you’re a guy who likes sex toys.

We hope this clear break-down will help this stigma start to fade.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Cristen Conger joined up with HowStuffWorks.com and Discovery Communications in 2009 as a staff writer. That same year, identifying a need for more intelligent digital media by and for women, she co-created Stuff Mom Never Told You and has since honed her expertise in women, gender and sex. Cristen also contributes to Huffington Post Women, and her writing has additionally appeared on Jezebel, Bitch, MSNBC and ABC News. Follow her on Twitter @CristenConger.

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