These Body Positive Icons Prove That ‘Fat Girls Can Do Whatever They Want’

“That’s a pretty powerful thing for me, especially when you’ve been taught your entire life that you need to shrink or hide or disappear.”

So body positivity and advertising aren’t always necessarily the best match. After all, many companies care more about their bottom line than helping you feel good about your body.

But this body positive message is so different from what you usually get from clothing companies that we had to pass it on.

This campaign from JCPenney, Here I Am, features fat positive advocates and icons from different backgrounds taking center stage with moving stories that show exactly why fat positivity is such a beautiful thing.

Ashley Nell Tipton, the first designer to win Project Runway with a plus-size line; Jes Baker, best-selling author of Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls; Valerie Sagun, yoga practitioner and self-love activist; Mary Lambert, Grammy-nominated singer and songwriter; and Gabi Fresh, style blogger and designer, share a vibrant vision of what body positivity means.

They all have awful stories of struggling with fat shaming. But they also offer empowering accounts of learning to celebrate themselves in spite of society’s negativity.

As Nell Tipton puts it: “The only person who should be defining me is me.” And their definitions are powerful!

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism


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