Dear Latinx – Let’s Check Our Privilege

If you’re Latinx, you’re probably familiar with how Latinx people can be marginalized – but have you ever thought about how to check your own privilege?

The truth is that not all Latinx people are marginalized in the same way, or even to the same degree.

So here’s an informative invitation from Kat Lazo to recognize how your different identities can give you certain privileges that you may not have considered.

Kat breaks down how factors like your citizenship or immigration status, skin color, and class might have you perpetuating systems of oppression without realizing it. She also cites some great resources for you to learn more.

It can be difficult to grasp how you can have privilege in some ways, even while you’re oppressed in other ways. This explanation will help you understand and better support liberation for all Latinxs.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism


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Kat Lazo is a self-proclaimed social commentator, media critic, and overall, a woman who questions everything. Having studied Advertising and Marketing Communications at the Fashion Institute of Technology, she’s ready to add some feminism to the ad world. Check out more of her writing at TheeKatsMeoww, watch her videos on YouTube, and follow on Twitter @TheeKatsMeoww, Facebook, and Tumblr.

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