5 Feelings I Struggle with Because of Internalized Mental Health Stigma

Do you have any mental illnesses? Unfortunately, there’s so much stigma in our society that you might start to believe negative messages about what it means to be someone with a mental illness.

You might feel like you’re a burden to the people around you, or like you’re just not “trying hard enough” to be mentally well.

But if that’s the case, then you should know that you’re not alone. In this video, Celia Edell shares her struggles with internalized stigma as a person with anxiety and depression.

If you can relate, find out how she makes sense of these feelings. We hope what she shares can help you unlearn the lies society tells about mental illness.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism


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Celia Edell is a Contributing Vlogger for Everyday Feminism, a freelance writer, and feminist philosopher. She holds a Masters degree in Philosophy from the University of Sheffield in England and is currently doing her PhD in Philosophy at McGill University in Montreal. Her interests include critical race theory, mental health awareness, and bad made-for-TV movies. She tweets and blogs under the name @ceedling