You Still Get to Have Bodily Autonomy in a Relationship – Here’s How to Maintain It

(Content Warning: sexual coercion)

Being in a relationship can confuse our understanding of consent. For instance, you might wonder if you’re obligated to have a certain amount of sex to be a “good” partner.

The answer to that question is no – whether you’re single, dating, or in a serious relationship, you always get to have control over your own body, and to have your boundaries respected.

So how can you make sure that happens? This affirming advice from Celia Edell can help.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism


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Celia Edell is a Contributing Vlogger for Everyday Feminism, a freelance writer, and feminist philosopher. She holds a Masters degree in Philosophy from the University of Sheffield in England and is currently doing her PhD in Philosophy at McGill University in Montreal. Her interests include critical race theory, mental health awareness, and bad made-for-TV movies. She tweets and blogs under the name @ceedling. Watch her vlogs here.

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