Panel 1
(Two thin, able-bodied white non-binary people pose fashionably. One is DFAB with a Ruby Rose look and the label “White Tomboy Chic” above them. The other is DMAB with some glam rock make-up and the label “The David Bowie” above.)
Text: When we think of androgyny, specific images always come to mind.
Panel 2
Text: And those looks certainly are cool. But there are a lot of other great ways to be androgynous.
White Tomboy Chic: Wait, what?
The David Bowie: There are??
Panel 3
(A pear-shaped non-binary person and an hourglass-shaped non-binary person walk together holding hands.)
Text: For instance, you can be androgynous and curvy.
Panel 4
(A fat DMAB non-binary person is proudly wearing a pink crop top that says “Crybaby” on it.)
Text: Or androgynous and fat.
Panel 5
(A suave hijabi is wearing a tuxedo while holding a pink rose.)
Text: Maybe you want your androgyny to be a big, grand statement.
Panel 6
(A wheelchair user with limited control of their arms looks off to the side. A friend with cerebral palsy who uses crutches sits nearby.)
Text: Or if you need it to be a bit more subtle.
Wheelchair User: Aaaaaand guardian’s gone. Let’s get those pins on.
Crutch User: (Putting a pin that reads “they/them” on the underside of Wheelchair User’s jacket collar) I’m on it!
Panel 7
(A male-presenting non-binary person wears a skirt.)
Text: You can be androgynous and femme.
Panel 8
(Panel is split into two sides, one that says “Girl Day” and one that says “Guy Day.”)
Text: Even when stereotypes about race try to gender you in certain ways.
Panel 8a (Girl Day)
(A thin Asian DFAB wears a pretty dress and some white guy swoons in the background.)
White Guy: (heart eyes) How submissive!
Asian DFAB: (To screen) I’m still non-binary…
Panel 8b (Guy Day)
(Asian DFAB is now wearing attire traditionally associated with masculinity and is suplexing the terrified white guy.)
Asian DFAB: (To screen) …both days!
Panel 9
(A butch transfeminine non-binary person leans on a motorcycle drinking from a mug that says “Cis Tears.”)
Text: You can be trans and androgynous.
Panel 10
(A transmasculine non-binary person who isn’t on testosterone is wearing a drag queen outfit and waiting backstage with a bunch of DMAB drag queens at a drag show)
Text: Even if you’re not on hormone therapy.
On-Stage Announcer: And now our next performer: Miss Gendered!
Panel 11
(All the non-binary people from the previous panels – including the first two – are chilling together.)
Text: There are so many awesome ways to be androgynous.
Text: The only limit is your imagination!