Let’s Unpack the Damage of Being Labeled High- or Low-Functioning

Two best friends are both disabled – but one is called “high-functioning,” while the other is called “low-functioning.”

So what’s the difference – and what are these labels often missing? Check out this comic to find out.

This shows how being labeled as high- or low-functioning influences the oppressive ways that people are treated. And it makes a crucial point about who these distinctions really serve in the end.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism
Unpacking what it means to be labeled high- and low-functioning

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M. Slade is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism. He is New York-based cartoonist and illustrator. Aside from creating artwork for EF, he also has a weekly webcomic about his experiences realizing he’s a trans man: Adventures In Genderland. M.Slade also works as Co-Head Editor for the Independent Publishing Section of ComicsVerse.com, and you can find his articles here. In his spare time, he can be found nerding out about video games and cartoons, or crying while petting his cat. You can check out his website here or his Tumblr here. Check out his EF comics here.

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