5 Ways We Ignore Children’s Agency That Perpetuate Rape Culture

(Content Warning: Sexual assault, rape culture, child abuse)

“Give auntie a kiss! She came all this way to see you.”

These examples can seem so harmless – everyday ways we teach children to be obedient, to mind their manners, and to follow traditions. But this comic shows how these lessons can have a more damaging impact than you might think.

When you consider it this way, it’s no wonder that rape culture is so pervasive – and it’s clear why we need to respect consent for people of all ages, including our children.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

ChildrenConsent copy

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Alli was a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism from 2015 to 2017. They are the creator of the webcomic PunkPuns and the vocalist of the L.A. queer feminist punk band P.I.T. Alli has a degree in English Literature, which is cheerfully wasted in pop literary criticism discourse on Tumblr.

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