He Said ‘You’re Too Fat to Be Raped’ – And Here’s Her Stunning Response

(Content Warning: sexual assault, victim blaming, fatphobia)

What would you say to the idea that “fat bodies can never be raped?”

That’s what someone told spoken word artist Beck Cooper – and her response will floor you.

She imagines a “rape prevention potluck” to add to the ever-expanding list of things we must supposedly do to protect ourselves from sexual assault. This unforgettable performance shows how toxic lies about rape put the blame on victims in the most ridiculously offensive ways.

Watch this talented performer confront the idea that fat girls “can’t say no” – and stand up for all survivors in the process.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Beck Cooper is a New Orleans based spoken word artist, whose work draws upon personal experience to explore themes of womanhood, queer identity, and body positivity. She is a two time member of the Baton Rouge National Slam Team, and her work has been featured on Upworthy, Everyday Feminism, and All Def Poetry. Beck ranked within the top 20 poets at both the 2015 Women of the World Poetry Slam in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the 2015 Southern Fried Individual Poetry Competition in Little Rock, Arkansas. You can follow her on Tumblr here.

Video courtesy of Write About Now (WAN) Poetry. For more amazing spoken word performances, check them out on YouTube, Twitterand Facebook.

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