Feminism 101 Articles

Person with blue painted fingernails typing on a laptop

Flipping the Script: 4 Reasons Fan Fiction Is a Feminist Pursuit

7 Tips for Breastfeeding Success That No One Tells You About

Feminism Is a Verb: Why the Movement Has No Use for Fad Feminism

What’s in a Word? Navigating Language as an Activist

A Guide to Self-Care When Your Loved Ones Don’t Support Your Activism

Students in a class, raising their hands

5 Ways to Bring Feminism to Your Education

How to Slay the Oppression Dragon (And Get the Intersectional Justice We’ve All Been Waiting For)

Can Women Self-Objectify?

4 Ways Pop Culture Villainizes Modern Women

Calling an End to ‘Political Correctness’ Just Won’t Work – Here’s Why

3 Ways to Talk About Social Justice at Home

What Would YOU Do If You Witnessed Someone Being Discriminated Against for Shopping While Black?

Why Feminism Must Discuss the Intersection of Race and Gender

5 Ways That Being Against Sexism Doesn’t Mean You Hate Men

How Do You Get Men to Understand That Feminism Is Important?

Why Trigger Warnings Matter – Your Objections Answered

This Is Not “Female Privilege” — This Is Misogyny

A collection of colorful buttons make a heart shape over a distressed teal table top

Why Love Is Important to Feminist Work (And 3 Ways to Practice It)

How to Tell Someone They Said Something Racist

Shattering Stereotypes: The Muslim Women You Thought You Knew

Epic Takedown of the Miss America Pageant 

A person wearing a hijab sits at their desk with coworkers in the background. Their laptop reads "#resist." Image source: Thinkstock; text added by Everyday Feminism.

5 Ways You Can Be an Activist Without Hitting the Streets

3 Ways Anti-Feminism Hurts People of All Genders

In Under 2 Minutes, These Teens Say Everything You Need to Know About Microaggressions

On Feminism and Faith

Actress Kristen Stewart stands against a gray background with her hands behind her head, wearing a Clash t-shirt

What Kristen Stewart Taught Me About Internalized Misogyny

Why Apologies Are Powerful Tools for Combating Rape Culture

5 Important Notes Every High School Activist Needs

Person with their hands over their ears, screaming in frustration

Help – I’m a Feminist and I Have All These Sexist Thoughts!

What Men Really Mean When They Cat Call