Feminism 101 Articles

Why Pressuring Someone to ‘Educate’ You About Their Struggles Is Oppression, Not Understanding

How to Introduce Your Partner to Feminism

Cartoon depicting one distraught person of color in a room full of happy white people

If We Divide, We Don’t Conquer: 3 Reasons Why Feminists Need to Talk About Race

5 Ways to Speak Out in a Toxic Work Environment

Three crosses in silhouette against a blue sky.

Why I Had To Lose My Religion Before I Could Support Gender Equality

Ever Been Told to ‘Check Your Privilege?’ Here’s What That Really Means

7 Tips for Breastfeeding Success That No One Tells You About

8 Things White People Really Need to Understand About Race

Two people holding hands, having a conversation

3 Ways to Lovingly Talk to Your In-Laws (Or Anyone, for That Matter) About That Hella Oppressive Thing They Just Said

How to Apply Feminism to Your Everyday Life

What Grammar Snobs Fail to Realize – And Why They’re Just Plain Wrong

Actress Kristen Stewart stands against a gray background with her hands behind her head, wearing a Clash t-shirt

What Kristen Stewart Taught Me About Internalized Misogyny

What, Why, When, Where, and How?: 5 Common Questions About Trigger Warnings Answered

8 Stereotypes About the South That Are Just Plain Wrong

‘Ally’ Is More Than a Label — It’s an Action

I’m Only Friends with Boys

Why the Ageism Dialogue Belongs in Feminism

6 Struggles Only Atheists Understand

3 Reasons Media Content Warnings Are Even More Critical Than Spoiler Alerts

Two people on a date, paying the bill

Thinking Critically About Who Pays for the Date

What, Exactly, Is Cultural Appropriation (And How Is It Harmful)?

Why Feminism Can Be Scary for Some Women

Feminism: It’s Common Sense!

Two people, eyes closed and smiling, hugging each other.

5 Great Ways to Practice Loving Accountability

5 Reasons Why ‘First-World’ Feminism Isn’t Actually Trivial

Why As A Man, I Need Feminism

Ain’t I A Man: Being Black and Gay in a World that Honors Neither

Abusive ‘Feminist’ Men Exist — Here Are 6 Things Men Can Do to Stop Them

Do These 4 Feminist FAQs Have You Stumped? Get Some Answers Here

Why Our Feminism Must Be Intersectional (And 3 Ways to Practice It)