It’s easy to say you’re a male ally and a feminist. What’s not so easy is checking your privilege, making a deliberate effort to use your privilege in a constructive way, and giving up oppressive behaviors. But that’s what being a male feminist means. Check out this cartoon to see what it looks like when allies talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk.

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Do you ever talk about what it means to be a “man”? Not a lot of us do. The patriarchy sets the harmful expectation that men aren’t supposed to talk about their feelings or display any kind of emotion. Here’s a chance for men to talk about masculinity and remember, as one man in this video puts it, that “there’s no right way to be a guy.” So what makes you a man?

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Dear cis men, there’s plenty of room for you in the feminist movement. But first, you must remember that feminism was created to address the unique oppression that women have historically faced, while acknowledging how overwhelmingly present that oppression still is and the many ways in which you benefit from it. Check out this article for more ally protocols.

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