A group of children are silhouetted, playing a ball game against a setting sun

Non-binary kids are kids who feel that they are multiple genders, none, or some mixture thereof. As a former non-binary kid myself, this author has some thoughts about how best to parent non-binary kids. Because knowledge is power – and knowing how to wade through your child’s non-binary identity can help you be a better parent and your child be their authentic self!

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From mean jokes to harassment, single women are subject to a particular kind misogyny in American society. The message is clear: We still believe women should prioritize marriage and motherhood over everything else. Demanding a woman’s life to follow this trajectory is another way of saying “I know what’s good for you better than you do.” And that’s oppressive.

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Trans women are a component of queer women’s communities, so a lack of respect amongst us just means more devaluing of women, when society dishes out plenty of that for all of us already. So with that in mind, I have put together some suggestions for cis women on thinking through some basic trans issues, including ideas on approaching trans women in a romantic or intimate context.

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Person gloriously showing off their hairy under arms

Body hair is perfectly normal, so why do we get the message that it’s disgusting and unhygienic? The idea that people can monitor and police other people’s bodies is really messed up. Take it from this author, whose transition taught him that no one’s body fits expectations. Read about his love for his body and get inspired to love your own wild and lovely self.

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You probably know the internet’s blowing up about Patricia Arquette. She spoke up at the Oscars about a really important issue – wage equality. So why all the criticism? Here’s what you need to know about what’s going on with her and other celebrities who speak up on sociopolitical issues – what she did right, where she went wrong, and why we should call her in.

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The only way to begin to understand unique intersections of identity is to listen to the perspectives of people who’ve lived those experiences. So to learn what it’s like to be Black and gay, you have to listen to the stories of Black gay and lesbian folks. In this video, members of the Black queer community speak up about the unique trials and triumphs they’ve faced.

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As a fat person, I am often surrounded by people, messages, and media that work to ensure that I know that being fat is (supposedly) not okay. There are many ways that fat individuals try to manage living in the hostile environment, but I want to suggest doing something a little radical: coming out as fat. Here are some places to start.

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As many of us do every year around this time, I got some invites to attend Pride Parades, wear my “gayest outfit” for bar/club crawls, and just “come out and celebrate!” I couldn’t put my finger on it, but somehow I was not motivated to go. What exactly are we proud of and celebrating? And on the flipside, what do we have left to tackle in the movement?

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Some believe that since gay men do not want to be sexually intimate with women, our uninvited touching and groping is benign. In a culture that doesn’t see gay men as “men”, our sexist acts are instead read as “diva worship” or “celebrating women” even when they are acts of objectification, assault, and dehumanization. We must question these assumptions in ourselves and in our communities.

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