Infertility is not a battle of the worst off or a race to the bottom of despair. Whether men or women hurt more is irrelevant. But men have a cultural narrative that says kids are fun but optional, and “real men” have aggressive, uber-sperm so potent it makes babies from across the room. And this makes infertility issues a place where men find little support. It’s time we change the narrative.

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My mother would never call herself a feminist, even though she is the embodiment of a feminist. As a Hispanic woman, she did not believe that the traditional, Western, view of feminism related to her. But from her, I learned that valuing your heritage doesn’t take away from being a strong, independent, self-sufficient woman or stop you from addressing gender issues in your community.

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Patriarchy has delegated the realm of parenting to women and girls. Consequently, fathers, specifically teenage fathers, are not given the resources or skills to emotionally and financially provide for their children. This invisible dynamic, with the support of legislative classism and racism, perpetuates class immobility for many teen fathers and their families. Let’s do better.

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