Don’t be these guys. If you’re a Black woman, you probably know the guys we’re talking about, and you might’ve been the recipient of some of their cringe-worthy pickup lines. This hilarious video should be required watching before anyone approaches a Black woman for an interracial date. Share a laugh about how it all goes down with the Roommates to the Tombmates.

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Young person looking off into the distance

You’ve had enough of the inaccurate narrative around black male student achievement. Now, get the truth. The false narrative hurts all young men, high school “high achievers” or not, implying that the majority of black boys are hopelessly behind and may never be able to narrow the achievement gap. Let’s rethink the way we use these common “facts.”

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[Doctor in a white gown looking down and smiling at a patient.]

Invalidating responses to male pregnancy are common, which can lead trans men to internalize the belief that it’s not acceptable to both be a man and desire pregnancy. But many of those responses are based on misconceptions and assumptions. So here are the deeper realities. With this knowledge, we can move beyond the limits of what’s “acceptable” for a man.

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Do you ever talk about what it means to be a “man”? Not a lot of us do. The patriarchy sets the harmful expectation that men aren’t supposed to talk about their feelings or display any kind of emotion. Here’s a chance for men to talk about masculinity and remember, as one man in this video puts it, that “there’s no right way to be a guy.” So what makes you a man?

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As the Black community continues to fight against anti-Black violence, legislation, and other forms of racist oppression, we must also learn how to be better allies and support systems to each other. This article asks the community to consider feminism as a tool to unite Black people across gender and heal the patriarchal remnants of slavery and white supremacy.

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Women and feminine looking people are perpetually exposed sexist harassment in public spaces. Too often, that violence goes unrecognized, which turns leaving the house into an arduous experience for so many. This comic illustrates the pervasiveness of rape culture, holds men accountable for disrupting it, and suggests strategies for them to speak out.

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Our society, and in particular our media, often make Asian-American men out to be “not manly enough” and “too feminine” – by virtue of their race. This is not just racist but also patriarchal. But the thing is, Asian-American men are — believe it or not — like other human beings. They’re diverse and complex. So let’s uncover some of the most common lies.

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Hello, fellow men. I get what you’re saying. You feel like it’s unfair of a woman to assume that your intention is malicious whenever you tell her that she’s beautiful. You weren’t trying to offend her. Harassment? No, that’s not what you meant at all. But just because you didn’t mean to doesn’t mean you’re not somewhere on the harassment spectrum.

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When we pair the entitlement that men too often feel with the everyday misogyny that women face, we have a dangerous combination. And we cannot expect women to be the only ones leading men to change. If we do, then we are surely contributing to the wider problem. So here are 10 simple ways that men can combat sexist entitlement in public.

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I’m noticing a trend lately where we feminists really want to get dudes on board. But it’s hard to start the process of noticing the simple, seemingly mundane ways that sexism creeps into our everyday lives. So here’s a short introduction, guys. Here are five simple things you should probably stop doing if you want to show that you have respect for women.

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As a gay feminist, I’ve had to tell many the straight boy, “Those jokes make me feel uncomfortable. Please stop.” The percussive nature of gay rape jokes can certainly get a laugh, but they also speak to some of our societal attitudes regarding rape and queer sexuality. Here are some answers to the question, “Why do people think gay rape jokes are okay?”

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I recently wrote a piece on my personal blog that highlighted seven men who are transforming masculinity, and I was blown away by how well it resonated. In reflecting on the post, I realized that it was so popular because it touched on an unfilled need. We need to talk about what a more inclusive masculinity could actually look like beyond “Real men cry, too.”

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Parties can be profoundly dangerous places, especially for women. But men attempting to be a good ally to women can quickly devolve into some paternalistic “white knighting” that can easily recreate the very systems of power and oppression that we’re looking to undermine. So how can men prevent sexual violence and act as allies to women at parties?

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