We all have that one person in our life who matters a great deal to us, is a tolerant and good-hearted individual, but who doesn’t quite understand why feminism is still important. Jessica Valenti offers suggestions about how to approach these individuals, how to argue that feminism does matter, and how to maintain some semblance of inner peace as you do this.

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Person laying in bed with their hands over their face in frustration

You can probably think of more than a few reasons why the image of the hot, hypersexual Latina is a tired stereotype. Here’s an alarming one: that stereotype forces asexual Latinas to battle dangerous racialized and sexist messages that say their bodies are not their own. Read on for this stunning perspective that gives us more reason to put this myth to rest.

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Popular culture has a way of turning modern women into villains. It equates women’s independence with arrogance, and their modernity with shamelessness. It ends up strengthening the good woman/bad woman dichotomy – the dichotomy that pits women against women. Here are a few simple ways that a good girl/bad girl dichotomy is created in society and in pop culture, looking in particular at South Asian media.

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(Trigger Warning: Body Image) According to Glamour, “Fitspo refers to images and words that women post with the purpose of inspiring themselves and others to live a fit, active life.” The problem that we see with fitspo, though, is that it looks too much like a not-so-cleverly-disguised thinspo. And these ideas that our bodies just aren’t good enough the way that they are is still dangerous.

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The reality of male privilege is well established. There is no question that being female carries a significant “life penalty” with it. There’s no denying that male privilege exists. However, sometimes it feels taboo to ask how far male privilege goes. Who better to ask about it, though, than trans men and women who have lived on both sides of the divide?

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Being an ally is difficult, especially as a heterosexual cis male. The pressures of (traditional notions of) masculinity and a lifetime of systematic patriarchal training are difficult to overcome. So I have compiled four pieces of advice — based on my own experiences and slip-ups — to help all cis males (myself included) become open feminists and allies.

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