We often talk about how important consent is, but what, exactly, is consent? Here it is – a video from Lex Croucher covering the basics of what it means to consent to sexual activity. Rape, sexual assault, and coercion are far too common among all types of people. So spread the word, and let’s raise awareness of this clear understanding of consent. (Content Warning: Rape)

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Have gender stereotypes led you to have sex when you didn’t want to? Your sex life shouldn’t be defined by stereotypes. Understanding how culture influences our choices around sex can empower us to talk about our desires and needs openly and sincerely. This article will help you understand and feel empowered. Learn how myths can impact you — and what to do about it.

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It’s important to discuss kink from a feminist perspective because of the harm that misinformation about our desires can cause. This misinformation can lead to feelings of disempowerment in one’s a/sexuality and relationships, and erardicating that should be part of the foundation of any intersectional feminist movement. So let’s bust three common myths about BDSM.

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I’ve talked before about the toxic culture surrounding masculinity and how it hurts men. Today, I want to start the conversation to help dismantle it. One of the best places to start is to talk about sex. Specifically: male virginity and the shame in not having sex. Let’s talk about the problems with the way we think about male virginity and how to fix them.

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When it comes to sexuality and feminism, one of the biggest roadblocks that we face – both in unlearning our own educations and in teaching others – is how social messages conflict with our own authenticity. What are some ways in which we can transform public thought about sexual “norms” and reconcile our feminist beliefs with social norms surrounding sex?

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Revenge porn – never heard of it? This new internet craze, specifically focused on women, occurs when a person shares a sexual or nude photo or video with a partner or hookup who later decides to make the private photo public. And in most places, it’s perfectly legal. So what can be done in these types of situations? Let’s look at the options we have.

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Many a misguided attempt at flirting or misread signal can result in feeling pressured to have sex when you don’t want to. If it crosses into forceful action, or coercion, then your best course of action may be to call the police. But what about the run-of-the-mill misunderstandings? How do you handle those situations and make your intentions clear?

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