Cosmo has a lot to say about sex. But what they have to say is based on tired stereotypes, heteronormativity, and traditional gender roles. As such, most of their “advice” is anything but helpful. They aren’t giving women the factual and comprehensive information about sex that they probably need. So instead, remember these rules for having great sex.

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A lot of pornography is proudly misogynistic, but it doesn’t have to be like that. There’s no reason a video can’t be sexually explicit and still present women as human beings who have an equal right to sexual desire, pleasure, and satisfaction. There’s no reason that porn can’t present women as sexual collaborators with men rather than as sexual conquests of men.

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With rare exceptions, no one who is throwing a party spends the time, energy, and money so that people will get assaulted. Yet there is a clear connection between college party culture and sexual violence. To mitigate the risk, most colleges simply take a punitive approach (with varying levels of alcohol education thrown in) to alcohol on campus. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

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Virginity, supposedly, is sacred. But I have news for you: It doesn’t have to be. All it takes is a little bit of myth-busting, a little bit of education, and we can turn around the conversation about virginity. So let me help you navigate through the murky waters of these four myths about virginity. Join me. We’re long overdue.

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How can I pick what to watch without feeling like I’m condoning all of the sexist hoopla draped all over the majority of videos I might choose? Masturbation isn’t supposed to be this morally fraught, right? If it’s such a hassle, you might say, why not forgo the pornography parade altogether? It’s pretty simple: I like porn. The porn industry, on the other hand, is a whole different beast.

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Girls are often raised more conservatively and are socially conditioned to set limitations on sexual activity. And if the movie industry is an extension of our world, you can expect it to be just as sexist and patriarchal. But you don’t have to accept it. When we write our stories and demand to see them portrayed, we redefine what is normal. Redefining normal is easier than you think.

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Most articles about being a good lover begin with “How to Please Your Man” directives. Not this one. The heart of being a good lover starts with communication and self-awareness, making sure that you always carry a self-awareness and communication tool-kit. So here are a few more pointers that I’ve developed on how to take a feminist approach to good loving.

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Even though you think of your first time as far behind you, the truth is: new partners enter your life. And every time you’re with someone new, you’re having sex for the first time all over again. So, to ensure that you’ll have great sex any first time around, I’ve come up with the following delicious recipe. Spolier alert: All it takes is communication.

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I started watching porn in elementary school and now can’t climax without fantasizing about porn during sex. I feel estranged from my sexuality, like it’s somebody else’s. So I’m trying to reprogram myself — unlearn my socialized porn-inspired sexuality. I want to reclaim my sexual desires and figure out what feels good through honest sensual exploration.

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With inaccurate media representations and the cultural stigma, there are a lot of misconceptions about people in the sex industry. We too often fail to see the complexity and diversity in who is engaged in commercial sex, why they’re doing it, and the degree of consent and coercion involved. These myths keep us from seeing this issue for what it really is. So let’s debunk them.

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Intersex is one of the often-left out categories when the LGBTQIAP alphabet is abbreviated as LGBT. The QUIAP is often ignored completely or briefly covered, but people who have these identities are marginalized not only in society, but also often within LGBTQIAP spaces themselves! Intersex identities exist. And we need to start recognizing them.

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Saying “no” to a request for a sexual activity can often bring up feelings of shame and awkwardness, even with people we’re in ongoing relationships. When you have trouble saying “no” to a simple (platonic) request, how do you say it to someone that you actually really like and want to do something sexual with later? Here are some ways to develop your comfort with saying “no.”

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I want my consent to be fun, freaky, sexy, silly, seductive, creative, captivating! I want it all, and I want it healthy and mutual! What’s wonderful, though, is that it can be ALL of these things and more. Studies have shown that healthy, open communication leads to better sex. And who doesn’t want better sex? Here are some ways asking for and giving consent can be fun and satisfying.

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