Children have needs, and so do parents. And both of our needs matter. Mainstream parenting usually negates the needs of the child. If they acknowledge the needs at all, they are considered wrong, to be changed through training. But parenting is, above all else, a relationship between two people: the parent and the child. Here’s an easy tool you can start using today to keep that relationship balanced.

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It seems like every time anti-racism activists speak up about their work, there is some level of pushback claiming that the work is “attacking white people.” But the thing is, that’s just not true. Anti-racism is not against white people. To clarify what anti-racism is really about, here are three things that the movement actually works to dismantle.

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We must continue to run to freedom. We must continue to raze institutions that do not service our freedom. It is the knowing that we are running to freedom that causes so much anxiety and anger. It is the fear that we might know ourselves powerful and fierce, greater than any chain that tries to keep us bound. We must continue to rise, like dandelions.

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I want my kids to learn: 1) that they can identify their emotions and self-regulate their behavior, 2) that I love them regardless of their behavior, and 3) that living in a family means finding ways to meet everyone’s needs. The goal is not to suppress the behavior in the moment but to teach the child how to deal with their feelings now and in the future.

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Person looking unhappy

It takes a lot to overcome society’s fatphobia and love your body. When fat-shaming comments come from your own family, it can feel downright impossible. So what can you do? Follow this author’s journey through shame and guilt as her family led her to believe that being fat was something to be sorry for, and read how she stopped apologizing for her body. (Trigger Warning: Fatphobia)

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I’m a virgin. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with this, assuming that it’s your choice. Where it starts to be a problem is when you recognize that you possess and want to express these desires, and society denies them. Worse, society deems you undesirable and ascribes a complete and total sexual absence to you and your entire community at large, with few exceptions.

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If you’ve spent more than two minutes on the Internet, you’ve probably seen internet harassment—trolling, bullying, insincere but deliberately hurtful comments, and other things that no one would say to another person’s face offline. But the internet isn’t some disembodied place where people should feel okay with delivering abuse without consequences.

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Social media trends change as rapidly as the technology itself, and we need to make sure that our dialogue with teens about body image and self-esteem (dialogue that includes listening) is changing just as rapidly. Because the Facebook Generation is the next generation of thinkers, leaders, parents, and activists. They’ll be the ones changing the world. And we need them to be fully present in it!

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I used to be overcome with guilt at the thought of being an artist, a writer since it doesn’t guarantee status or a regular paycheck. Having worked as migrant laborer since a child, I grew up associating my worth with work and writing as gratuitous and useless. Since then I’ve been figuring out how to follow my dreams. I’m not fully living off of my art yet but I’d like to pass on some advice that have helped me.

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