Person thinking in frustration with a pink background

We know mainstream porn has some pretty unrealistic images, including false stereotypes. But do you know where stereotypes about Asian sexuality come from, and what they teach us about valuing (and devaluing) Asian bodies? Learn about the disturbing connection to colonization, to see how deep these misconceptions go, and why we must stop the colonization of bodies.

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Kim Kardashian from her Paper photo shoot

This culture financially and socially rewards women for how well they fit into a heterosexual lens of desire. Then, we ridicule those women who choose to gain from that dynamic. But instead of directing our ire at the people working the system, we need focus our attention on changing the system. As the old saying goes, “Don’t hate the player, hate the game.”

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Folks have a lot to say to women and girls who dress “immodestly,” such as “you look like a slut” and “aren’t you afraid you’ll be harassed or raped?” For many, their words come from a place of concern. But in a society that wants to control and police women’s sexuality, it means their concern is actually coming from a place of misogyny.

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If you don’t have one, you know someone who does. But how much do you really know about the clitoris? If you’re like a lot of people, probably not much. That’s due in part to society’s focus on cis-male pleasure — thanks, patriarchy! We could all benefit from learning a little more about the clitoris. To learn more about this amazing part of our bodies, check out this video!

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Asexuality is defined as not experiencing sexual attraction. Seems straightforward, right? But like most things, asexuality isn’t as simple as it appears. Within asexuality there are many different spectra to consider: from gender and sexual attraction to sexual drive and desire. There is a lot of nuance to this identity. Check out this video for a helpful introduction!

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Anyone who’s ever used oral contraception knows that getting it is no easy task. But condoms? Condoms are available in every gas station, grocery store, and drug store. And that difference is because our patriarchal society doesn’t want women to be able to easily have sex without the fear of getting pregnant. So check out this video parody showing how ridiculously difficult we make buying the pill.

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