The Vulva

Get the 411 on the vulva in this week’s video headline! If your sex ed class was insufficient (or non-existent) on the topic of female anatomy, we’ve got the solution right here.

Watch as clinical sexologist Dr. Lindsey Doe explains the various parts of the vulva, their functions, and how to recognize healthy differences. She pays special attention to the clitoral hood, emphasizing the sensitivity of the clitoris and offering a much more pleasurable option for stimulation.

Click here to read the transcript.

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Lindsey Doe is a clinical sexologist and host of the sex education YouTube channel Sexplanations. She has a bachelor of arts degree in Psychology, a master’s degree in Health and Human Performance with a concentration in Health Promotion, and a doctorate in Human Sexuality. When she’s not creating sex-positive, informative content, she enjoys playing with her dogs and watching Firefly.

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