What Is Patriarchy (And How Does It Hurt Us All)?

There are so many reasons why we need an intersectional feminist analysis and practice in our daily lives, and the patriarchy (a sociopolitical and cultural system that values masculinity over femininity) is the primary culprit.

Patriarchy perpetuates oppressive and limiting gender roles, the gender binary, trans phobia and cissexism, sexual assault, the political and economic subordination of women, and so much more. And it is of the utmost importance that we prioritize dismantling the patriarchy in our intimate lives, as well as in a larger systemic sphere.

In this video, vlogger Marina Watanabe discusses the pervasive and intricate ways patriarchy harms all people, regardless of gender identity, sex, or sexual orientation.

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Marina Watanabe is a vlogger, blogger, overenthusiastic tweeter, college student, and creator of embarrassing literary tees. Her passions include putting off responsibilities and being sarcastic on all social media platforms. She is majoring in Women’s Studies with a minor in Communications at Sacramento State and hopes to continue using social media as a tool to discuss and raise awareness for feminist and social justice issues. She also runs a Tumblr called Everyday Harassment that serves as a safe space for women to share their stories and educate others on the nature and frequency of sexual harassment. Check out her Tumblr, or follow her on Twitter @marinashutup!

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