Panel 1
(Main character, named Sasha, crying slightly.)
Text: Oh gosh. Your heart’s been broken, huh?
Sasha: crying: *sniff* yeah, it was a rough break-up, but it needed to happen.
Panel 2
(Person one speaking)
Text: And now you’re getting all sorts of post-break-up advice:
Person One: Take a vacation! Get a haircut!
Panel 3
(Person Two carrying a bottle of wine)
Person Two: I brought a movie, wine, and ice cream!
Panel 4
(Person Three, looking sad and heartfelt)
Person Three: You gotta cry it all out! Let the tears flow!
Panel 5
(Person Four, grinning)
Text: And then it comes to the bedroom, where advice is often mixed.
Person Four: You just have to get out there! Back into the playing field!
Panel 6
(Person Six speaking, concerned)
Person Six: Take your time honey, you don’t want a rebound.
Panel 7
(Sasha, reading a book on a chair alone, drinking a glass of wine.)
Text: Here’s the thing though: you know what’s best and healthiest for you! Sometimes that means waiting before flinging the bedroom doors open.
Panel 8
(Sasha, smiling in bed with hearts around her and her new, casual partner who is also smiling)
Text: And sometimes some casual sex after heartache is just what you need!
Panel 9
(Sasha talking to a male friend)
Text: Sex after a breakup can be met with a lot of negative assumptions and judgments:
Male Friend: I don’t think you should sleep with someone until you are completely over your ex.
Panel 10
(Sasha talking to a another friend)
Text: These reactions may differ, depending on your friends and community. But women are often targeted with sex-negativity
Friend: Don’t you think that’s a little slutty? Moving on so soon?
Panel 11
(Sasha with her hands on her head, annoyed)
Text: While these people think they are helping, this judgement is one of the many ways people try to police other’s sexualities.
Sasha: ARGH!
Panel 12
Sasha: I don’t want to feel ashamed or embarrassed for sleeping around or for not sleeping around! It’s my body after all!
Panel 13
(Friend talking to Sasha)
Friend: The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else, amirite?
Sasha: Ugh. I don’t want to be pressured to act in ANY WAY!
Panel 14
Sasha: If I wanna deal with a breakup in a nonsexual way, that is just as valid as healing in a sexual way!
Panel 15
(Sasha is wearing a crop top while her friend is pointing and criticizing her)
Text: These judgments often pass as advice and can mirror other ways people police and judge women’s bodies
Friend: That doesn’t seem like an appropriate outfit for this comic
Panel 16
(Sasha talking to a new casual partner, Christy)
Text: As long as you are being completly honest and open with future partners about your interactions…
Sasha: I can’t do any sort of commitment right now
Christy: No problem! I’m in a pretty ‘casual-only’ mode myself.
Panel 17
(Christy and Sasha talking)
Text: And your feelings…
Sasha: Also, I’m newly single and not emotionally available.
Christy: A one-time thing! Got it!
Panel 18
Text: And both partners are consenting…
Sasha: Gosh, you’re cute.
Christy: I’m going to leave you my number, but don’t feel pressure to call me later.
Text: Then there isn’t anything inherently wrong or bad with sex after a breakup!
Panel 19
(Image of a iphone, with two messages on it)
Text: Boundaries and needs change, so be sure to check in often. And sometimes sex doesn’t feel good so it’s totally okay to change your mind.
Phone message from Christy: Hey wanna meet up? 😉
Phone message from Sasha: Not feeling it tonight, sorry.
Panel 20
(Sasha, posing in front of a mirror)
Text: For some people, casual sex can feel really good after a breakup
Sasha: I will say, having some sweet lovin’ is a great confidence boost!
Panel 21
(Sasha, smiling)
Sasha: It’s a nice reminder that I am in control of my own body and my desires! For me, it’s exciting! I have autonomy to fo what I want.
Panel 22
(Sasha comforting her friend crying on a couch, he’s holding her cat.)
Text: We are conditioned to have knee-jerk reactions when people break up, but what we need is to start asking what they need and want.
Friend: I can’t believe I’m single now!
Sasha: Can I do help?
Panel 23
(Sasha’s friend is hugging the cat looking sad)
Text: There isn’t a right or wrong way to deal with heartache, so try not to judge when people cope in ways that differ than your own.
Friend: I’m just gonna sit with this cat and my feelings…
Sasha: Of course.
Panel 24
(Sasha laying in bed with Christy, smiling at each other)
Text: So relax and heal the way that you want to-in bed or not in bed, and be empathetic to however others want to heal.