I got 10 years to fill a stadium, but only 2 minutes to fill your cranium. Humble the Poet signing in.
I think one of the most important things I understand about self doubt is that we all have it. We all have a piece of doubt within ourselves, before we move forward. We all second guess some of our decisions, it’s normal.
The reason I think self doubt gets in the way is because we assume that we’re not supposed to have it before we take the next step. We assume that people around us are so confident and don’t have this type of doubt, that we must doing something wrong before we move forward, but that’s not the case.
We’re supposed to feel the doubt but move forward anyways. We can’t wait until we’re ready, we have to just take the first step.
We all have insecurities, that’s natural, and that’s normal. We’re never going to get rid of them for as long we’re alive. We have to work despite them, around them, with them, and through them. As opposed to waiting until we’re completely confident to do something, because that’s not going to happen.
The more we practice on things the more confident we’ll become at something. In the meantime we have to keep moving forward. We can talk ourselves out of doing stuff, because it’s scary. We can talk ourselves out of doing stuff because it will make us uncomfortable. These are the roots of self doubt.
There’s no magic pill, there’s no magic word to make you get rid of it and visibly be confident. You have to work on it and it’s going to be a life long process. So don’t let self doubt get in the way because understand that self doubt is a natural part of life and it’s a normal feeling. There’s nothing wrong with you for feeling it, everybody else feels it. Some people just hide it better than others.
Thank you so much for watching. As always please comment, rate, and subscribe. I try my best to reply to all of the comments in the comment section. This is all based on my book Unlearn. You can get yourself a copy at unlearn101.com, or Amazon, Barns and Noble, or anywhere else that sells books. You can get it in Ebook format as well, hard cover, and audio book. I really appreciate the time you took to watch this. Please share this with somebody you care about. Also I make music, check out one of my videos here.