What We’re Missing When We Don’t Prioritize Self-Love

We know it sounds cliché – but Lilly Singh’s teamed up with Humble the Poet, and she’s keeping it real about why you need to love yourself. Check out her helpful insight and take some steps to an empowering place of self-love.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

Editor’s Note: This cross-posted video uses the term “lame” to express dissatisfaction. While we strongly appreciate the sentiments of self-love and compassion in this video, we also recognize that “lame” is an ableist term that has hurt many people. We don’t support the use of such language, apologize in advance for any harm caused, and look forward to the eradication of such language from our collective conscious.

Also, while Lilly expresses how important it is for us to love ourselves and treat ourselves well, some of her words may be interpreted as implying that others treating you poorly is a direct result of not loving yourself enough – which isn’t true. You only have control over how you treat you – and we like this video because it expresses that you should treat yourself well.

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Lilly Singh aka Superwoman is a Toronto based entertainer who has acclaimed worldwide fame through her YouTube videos. She is a sassy South Asian woman that makes you laugh, makes you think and most importantly, makes you feel good. Complete with her backwards snapback, graphic t-shirts, and witty punch lines, Lilly does everything from creating videos to stand-up comedy, motivational speaking, rapping, event hosting and acting. Check her out on Twitter @IISuperwomanII

Kanwer Singh aka Humble The Poet is an elementary school teacher & Toronto bred MC/Spoken Word Artist with an aura that embodies the diversity and resiliency of one of the World’s most unique cities. Humble is introducing a critical viewpoint to Hip Hop’s Landscape, and having a lot of fun in the process. Check out his YouTube channel and follow him on Twitter @humblethepoet

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