What If White People Had to Deal with Racist Microaggressions?

“Can you say a curse word in European?”

Ever had a deal with a microaggression against your identity?

Every day, people of color experience racist microaggressions – subtle insults from people who might even have good intentions, but are actually stereotyping us and making big assumptions.

Here’s Franchesca “Chescaleigh” Ramsey with a hilarious take on if the tables were turned. This really puts things in perspective.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Franchesca “Chescaleigh” Ramsey is a graphic designer and video blogger based out of New York City. With over 100k subscribers on her two YouTube channels, Chescaleigh and Chescalocs, she and her videos have been featured on numerous style and entertainment blogs and news publications including MTV, The New York Times, Essence.com, and The BBC. In January 2012, Franchesca had her first viral video “Shit White Girls Say…to Black Girls” which accumulated 1.5 million views in 24 hours, 6 million views in a week and over 9 million views to date. Follow her on Twitter @chescaleigh

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