(Content Warning: sexual assault)
“The sun will shine again.”
Survivors of sexual assault have to face so many myths and misunderstandings about our experiences. If you’re a survivor, here’s a powerful reminder that you’ve got at least one incredible person who understands what you’ve been through like nobody else – and that’s you.
Media justice organizer and filmmaker Tani Ikeda’s Survivor Love Letter project has survivors publicly proclaiming their self-love with letters to themselves. Healing is an ongoing process, and as Ikeda wrote, this project helps survivors “reflect on the ways we heal ourselves and our communities.”
Check out some of these wonderful letters below, and visit the #SurvivorLoveLetter Tumblr page for more.
With Love,
Everyday Feminism
Click for the Transcript
To learn more about this topic, check out:
- 7 Things We Need to Stop Saying to Sexual Assault Survivors Immediately
- 4 Ways to Overcome Self-Blame After Sexual Assault
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#survivorloveletter is a call to survivors of sexual violence and our loved ones to publicly celebrate our lives. By telling our stories we seek to build knowledge and reflect on the ways we heal ourselves and our communities. Write a #survivorloveletter and submit it to our tumblr or email your letter to tani.ikeda@gmail.com. Help us flood the internet with love for survivors using the hashtag #survivorloveletter.
Tani Ikeda is an award-winning director who creates narratives, documentaries, music videos, and commercial films. At the age of 21, Tani Ikeda co-founded imMEDIAte Justice, a summer workshop and community outreach program for girls devoted to revolutionizing sex education through filmmaking. She is the current executive director of imMEDIAte Justice and was named one of the “25 Visionaries Who are Changing Your World,” by the Utne Reader. Check out her website and follow her on Twitter @taniappleseed.
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