What Fat-Shamers Are Really Saying When They Bully and Harass Fat People

(Content Warning: fat-shaming, anti-fat bullying) 

“Being fat could harm your health!”

We come across these fat-shaming comments all the time – and we’re seeing right through them. This sarcastic comic lets a fat-shamer speak for himself – revealing that his comments aren’t at all helpful or insightful, in spite of what he thinks.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism


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Barry Deutsch is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism living in Portland. You can read more of his political cartoons on his Patreon. He also creates Hereville, a comic about an 11-year-old Orthodox Jewish girl who wants to fight monsters, and (with Becky Hawkins) SuperButch, a comic about a lesbian superhero in the 1940s. Check out his blog and follow him on Twitter and on Tumblr.