A Stunning Response to the People Who Say Men Can’t Be Raped

Editor’s Note: This poem refers to childbearing as someone only women can do, and we’d like to note that people of all a/genders can and do give birth to children. Some resources on this topic can be found here and here.

(Content Warning: Rape, victim-blaming)

“Boys always want it.”

Why do people try to shut down the conversation about men as survivors of rape? Of course it’s important to keep talking about women survivors, but women aren’t the only ones who need support.

In this heart-wrenching spoken word piece, Akeemjamal Rollins shares what it means to be a male survivor who’s told that he’s not allowed to speak about being raped – that he’s only allowed to feel aggression.

His final words really move us when he says, “I’m not trying to tell your stories, just please stop telling me what my story isn’t.”

This powerful performance will show you why we’ve got to stop silencing male survivors.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Akeemjamal Rollins began writing poetry at age 8 and started slamming at age 14 in Cleveland Ohio.  He has been part of multiple international slam teams, representing Cleveland at Brave New Voices and competing on adult slam teams for both Cleveland and Columbus.  “Like Dogs and Chocolate,” a one-act production written, directed, and performed by AKeem, has been featured at the Cleveland Playhouse as part of the annual Fusion Festival. You can find his book, Tributes, here.

Video courtesy of Button Poetry. For more amazing spoken word performances, check them out on YouTube and Facebook.

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