‘Mom, I’m Not a Girl:’ A Loving Mom Reflects on Raising Her Transgender Son

Jodie Patterson’s child was just two years old when he told her that he’s not the gender he was assigned at birth. At first, like many parents, this mom didn’t know how to handle the situation.

But she and her son Penelope have had an incredible journey since. In this short documentary, Jodie shares the challenges, hopes, and joys of life with her transgender son. Find out how she affirms Penelope for who he is, how she deals with judgment from other people, and the important lessons she’s learned about gender and identity.

As Jodie writes, “Because Penelope was brave enough to demand, ‘I am,’ the least I could do was be brave enough to listen.”

These are lessons we all could learn from.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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