4 Unique Struggles That Queer and Trans People of Color Have to Deal With

The experiences and struggles of LGBTQIA+ people of color (QTPOC) are often forgotten – especially when people fail to recognize what life is like at the intersection of those identities.

That’s why this comic’s message is so important. Learn about the impact of factors like gendered racism, fetishization, and violence targeting queer people of color, and you’ll understand why we need to address how various forms of oppression multiply each other.

This will also help you understand how to support LGBTQIA+ people of color – starting with the reminder to “just trust us when we tell our stories.”

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Joamette Gil is a queer Afro-Cuban storyteller with a degree in social justice and psychology. Her comics and illustrations straddle the border between personal and political, reality and fantasy, what is and what is possible. The Miami native now lives and makes in Portland, OR, and you can follow her adventures here.

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