Speaker 1: I think what makes men cry is the same thing that makes women cry. It feels good to sort of let yourself feel bad.
Speaker 2: I try to hide it, like I think most dudes do. But not because I’m sad – just because I don’t want people to feel like they need to help.
Speaker 3: I honestly can’t remember the last time I cried in front of somebody.
Speaker 1: Any movie that’s sort of heartfelt or that I’m invested in will generally have me choking up.
Speaker 4: I think the last time I cried was at a TV show. I was watching the HBO miniseries called Olive Kitteridge.
Speaker 3: I can think of the last time that I like hit something. But I can’t think of the last time I cried.
Speaker 5: It was about a month and a half ago. My grandmother had a stroke. And she died a week or so later. I cried when I talked to her on the phone. I basically told her I loved her for the last time.
Speaker 4: A friend of mine just died. So I was at the hospital and that was the last time I cried, which was last week.
Speaker 1: Radio Live did a story about this family where they had a breakthrough with their autistic son. And I remember just driving through LA listening to that. And just kind of, not just tears welling up, but kind of sobbing at some of the moments.
Speaker 4: You know, you go about your life and there’s something that reminds you of that person. It’s there; it’s never going to go away. It’s just always going to, there are always going to be those pits and valleys.
Speaker 5: I’m a person that cries very easily, and I’m not ashamed of that. I’m in touch with my emotions. I think I’ve always been pretty sensitive and never felt like it was a bad thing if I cried.
Speaker 4: A lot of my male friends, I’ve never seen them cry. And I think that society has told them that they shouldn’t cry. And if they do cry, that they’re somehow less masculine, somehow less manly. But I think that’s all crap.
Speaker 2: The last time that I cried so much that I couldn’t believe how much I was crying was when I moved to Los Angeles and I left my girlfriend in Chicago. It was very hard at that time. And I think that was the last time that I actually—and I held out for so long before I moved away. And it was the last time that we had to get out of the car at the same time. I had to go to the airport. I just lost it.
Speaker 6: Being able to express your emotions as a man is a good thing.
Speaker 2: The actual physical release of tears – you just can’t help it when you feel those emotions. It’s just what happens.
Speaker 4: I’m okay with it. I’m fine being a person that cries. And oftentimes, I feel a lot better after I cry. You should seek out things that would cause you to cry because crying gives new meaning to things. Crying allows you to seek the inner self.
Speaker 3: I haven’t cried in a year. It’s weird. How have my eyes not just shut down one day and just went, “Fuck you; I’m just gonna cry?” It’s weird.
Speaker 1: When you do cry, you kind of feel like you’ve changed a little bit, I think. And that’s an important feeling for anyone to feel.