Trying to Avoid Burnout and Still Help Others? How Intersectionality Is the Key

Do you ever feel like your activism is asking too much from you?

It’s important for activists to take care of themselves – but it’s easy to get overwhelmed when you feel like people are counting on you.

With intersectional feminism, we recognize that everyone deals with different forms of oppression. That reality can make it seem like there’s a lot for you to take on.

Here’s a comic to remind you that an intersectional approach can actually help you find a healthy balance between taking care of yourself and looking out for others. It’s all about personal accountability – which is key for both our individual wellbeing and for our communities.

We hope this gives you some ideas on how you can avoid burnout and find your role in the movements you care about for the long haul.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Robot Hugs is a webcomic that discusses identity, gender, and sexuality, explores depression and mental illness, and often includes cats. The creator lives in Toronto; they have a degree in Linguistics and a graduate degree in Information Studies. Specifically, they identify as a non-binary genderqueer peoplequeer mentally ill non-monogamous kinky critical feminist robot. Their hobbies include worrying, being concerned about things they can’t change, being angry, being uselessly angry, hiding from the world, and knitting. Follow Robot Hugs on Twitter @RobotHugsComic.

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