A Perfect Explanation of Why Women’s Rights and Racial Justice Are Still a Big Deal

“Things are better now, right?”

Some people think the days of needing to fight for women’s rights and racial justice are over. In this video, SNL’s Sasheer Zamata patiently (and hilariously) points out what they’re getting wrong.

Watch as she deals with street harassment and racial profiling, and look out for the advertisements that pop up around her, as her companion – a friendly but oblivious white man – eventually gets around to recognizing his privilege.

The video, titled “Shasheer Zamata Says Women’s Rights Still a BFD!”, is part of the ACLU Ambassador’s Project, and it brings home a great point about why justice is still worth fighting for.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Actress and comedian Sasheer Zamata, known for her breakout role on the cast of Saturday Night Live, is the ACLU celebrity ambassador for women’s rights. In her role as an ambassador, Zamata will elevate the ACLU’s work to fight gender inequality and structural discrimination against women in employment, education, healthcare, housing, and criminal justice through advocacy and public education. Follow her on Twitter @thesheertruth.

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