This Woman Has a Powerful Warning for Police Protecting White Supremacy

(Content Warning: police violence, murder)

“We are not going to stop until you stop killing us.”

Wow. Cat Brooks, co-founder of the Anti Police-Terror Project, testified about police brutality to the San Francisco Police Commission – and everybody should listen to her message.

Just last week, San Francisco police chief Greg Suhr resigned after his officers killed yet another citizen, a 27-year-old unarmed black woman. This follows a terrible string of incidents with the SFPD, including the discovery of racist and homophobic text messages sent between officers.

To many of us, it’s clear that white supremacy has an influence on police departments and the entire criminal justice system around the country – and this needs to stop.

In this testimony, Cat Brooks discusses the killing of Mario Woods, another young black shooting victim of the SFPD. She captures the spirit of Black Lives Matter and anti-police brutality activists everywhere – and her powerful warning will give you chills.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism



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Cat Brooks is an Oakland-based activist, momma, actress, poet, and performer for the people. She is co-founder of the Anti Police-Terror Project and a member of the Black Power Network. Follow her on Twitter @CatsCommentary.

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