The Perfect Makeup Tutorial for Asian American Women Who Refuse to Be Silenced

It starts out like any other YouTube beauty video – but this is no ordinary makeup tutorial.

Have you ever noticed how Asian American women are hypervisible when it comes to beauty, makeup, and fashion content on YouTube – but underrepresented in all of the other content?

This is exactly what Theanne Liu set out to address when she made this video for her Asian American studies class on Race, Gender, and Sexuality at Northwestern University. She paired her hobby of artistic makeup with her talent for spoken word – and the result is absolutely brilliant.

Theanne writes that the subtitle of this piece – for those who refuse to be silenced – “plays into the idea of how Asian women/girls are stereotyped as being quite, silent, and submissive both politically and sexually, and the hope that my ‘makeup tutorial’ will counter that.”

We have the same hope – so share this video and spread this awesome message!

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism



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