What You’re Really Doing By Dismissing US Feminism for ‘Real’ Issues

“Aren’t there any REAL issues you could talk about – like sexism in Muslim countries?”

We’ve heard this all before. How dare Western feminists in countries like the US care about problems at home when there are bigger problems in “developing” nations?

Let’s talk about what this argument really means – and why it’s not a convincing reason to stop advocating for feminism in our own country.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism



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Alli was a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism from 2015 to 2017. They are the creator of the webcomic PunkPuns and the vocalist of the L.A. queer feminist punk band P.I.T. Alli has a degree in English Literature, which is cheerfully wasted in pop literary criticism discourse on Tumblr.

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