[Text: 2016 was a tumultuous year.]
Matt Lauer: Harvard University has suspended its men’s soccer team because of sexual comments about members of the women’s team.
Newscaster 1: Yet another high-profile campus sexual assault.
Newscaster 2: He will spend just three months in the county jail. Brock Turner’s father: “That is a steep price to pay for twenty minutes of action.”
Newscaster 3: Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson is filing a sexual harassment lawsuit against network chairman and CEO Roger Ailes.
Newscaster 4: More than two dozen other women said Ailes used his status to sexually harass his employees.
Newscaster 5: For the second time in two days, a police killing of a black man…
Lavish Reynolds: “We got pulled over for a busted taillight, and the police just killed my boyfriend [Philando Castile].”
Newscaster 6: A massacre in a gay nightclub. Fifty people were killed.
[Text: At the root of all these incidents is toxic masculinity, which was front and center during the 2016 election. Toxic masculinity mocks others.]
Marco Rubio: You know what they say about men with small hands.
Donald Trump: You gotta see this guy. “I don’t know what I said, I don’t remember!”
[Text: Toxic masculinity bullies.]
Chris Christie: We are gonna kick your rear end out of the White House.
Donald Trump: Get out of here. Get out! Out! You are a loser. I’d like to punch him in the face.
Angry Crowd: “Lock her up! Lock her up!”
[Text: Toxic masculinity demeans and degrades women.]
Donald Trump: And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
Billy Bush: Whatever you want.
Donald Trump: Grab them by the p*ssy. She doesn’t have the look. She doesn’t have the stamina. She’s actually not strong enough to be president.
[Text: Toxic masculinity values power and money above all else.]
Hillary Clinton: He didn’t pay any federal income tax, so—
Donald Trump: That makes me smart. I’m much richer than almost anybody.
Rudy Giuliani: Don’t you think a man who has this kind of economic genius is a lot better for the United States than a woman?
[Text: Toxic masculinity threatens.]
Chris Matthews: Do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no?
Donald Trump: There has to be some form of punishment.
Chris Matthews: For the woman?
Donald Trump: Yeah. Every woman lied. All of these liars will be sued. I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation.
[Text: Toxic masculinity incites fear.]
Donald Trump: When Mexico sends its people, they’re rapists. You have cities, inner cities, that are more dangerous than some war zones. Total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States. Build that wall! Build that wall!
[Text: Toxic masculinity starts with words, and when unchecked, emboldens hate.]
Extremely Sore Winner: “Go fuckin’ make my tortilla, motherfucker, and build that fuckin’ wall for me!”
Newscaster 7: Nearly 900 incidents of hate were reported in the ten days following the election.
Newscaster 8: From swastikas… “White power!”
Newscaster 8: …to shouting hate messages and a throwback to the days of segregation. “Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!”
[Text: This is the culture we have created. We can’t afford to be silent. Use your voice for equality and justice in 2017. The Representation Project.]