How Toxic Masculinity Dominated 2016

(Content Warning: racist slurs, rape culture, police murder)

What’s the danger of toxic masculinity? For an answer, look no further than this review of 2016.

The Representation Project has put together this reminder of moments from the past year including high-profile sexual assault cases, mass shootings, and the election of Donald Trump.

All of them have a connection to the harmful impact of toxic masculinity, and this video reminds us all to hold individuals, community, and media accountable in addressing toxic masculinity in the new year.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism


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In response to overwhelming public demand for ongoing education and social action in support of the message of Jennifer Siebel Newsom’s 2011 film Miss Representation, she founded the organization that has become The Representation Project in April 2011. A 501(c)3 non-profit organization, The Representation Project inspires individuals and communities to create a world free of limiting stereotypes and social injustices.

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