This Funny Advice Will Show You When It’s Okay to Speak Up

Ever been in a situation like this one – where you want to speak up for your needs, but don’t want to be rude?

Even in cases when someone else is making us uncomfortable – like trying to hit on us when we just want to be alone – many of us have learned to go out of our way to make others comfortable by not speaking up.

Sometimes we have good reason for not speaking up, such as trying to keep ourselves safe. But in other situations, you just don’t know what to say to get someone to leave you alone.

Check out Anna Akana’s advice on when it’s okay to speak up. Her story is so relatable – and that slow-mo is cracking us up!

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Anna Akana is an actress, comedian and filmmaker most known for her online weekly show with 1.4 million subscribers. As an actress, you can see her in the films Ant-Man and Hello, My Name Is Doris, or on Comedy Central’s Corporate.

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