The Blatant Hypocrisy of ‘Pro-Life’ Rhetoric

(Content Warning: victim-blaming)

The “pro-life” movement needs a name change if its proponents aren’t actually going to support people’s lives.

Otherwise, they’re just asking for someone to point out their hypocrisy – and that’s exactly what this comic does. This shows that those people who claim to be “pro-life,” but don’t actually believe that every child’s life matters, are upholding bias instead of saving anyone’s life.

It’s clear that taking care of children and families who need support does not mean blocking abortion access.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

The Hypocrisy of Pro-Life Rhetoric

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Ronnie Rene Ritchie is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism. Since graduating from the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon with a BFA in Illustration, Ronnie has had work featured in galleries and sex shops across North America. Learn more about their autobiographical webcomic, GQutie, Ronnie’s illustration, or follow them on Twitter @ronithebear. Check out their comics here.

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