Why Telling Someone To Go Educate Themselves Is Complicated

(Note: This comic has been transcribed below.)

You should never have to push yourself beyond your boundaries to educate someone about your experiences with oppression. And some people, like trolls, just have no genuine interest in an education.

But if you’re wondering why everyone doesn’t just go educate themselves on the Internet, you might be missing something about some other forms of oppression.

The truth is that there are real, valid barriers to accessing social justice education. So check out this comic to help you find a balance between setting your boundaries and having patience with folks who are still learning.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Lee Lai is a mixed race, transgender artist from Melbourne, Australia, currently living in Tio’tia:ke (known as Montreal), Quebec. Her work is primarily comics and illustrations that weave narrative and dialogue to make queer visual fiction, occasionally colored by memoir. You can check out her website here

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