From the moment we are born, girls — and children who are told they are girls — are socialized to embrace misogyny as normal. As this poet explains, we learn to recognize our worth in how attractive men find us, to say thank you to street harassment, to protect ourselves with flirtation and niceties, to find power in masculinity, to be complacent with invisibility.

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You can’t spend more than a few minutes in a feminist space without hearing people talk about privilege. And if you’re new to feminism, the concept can be overwhelming. What exactly does “privilege” mean? What does it look like in today’s society? Check out this video from Marina Watanabe for an explanation of white privilege and male privilege!

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Because privilege can be near-invisible to those who have it, being told that you benefit from systematic social favoritism can be hard to accept. It’s not uncommon to feel that people are telling you that your life is simple and that you don’t work for what you have. But privilege is more complicated than that. This cartoon provides a useful visualization.

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The reality of male privilege is well established. There is no question that being female carries a significant “life penalty” with it. There’s no denying that male privilege exists. However, sometimes it feels taboo to ask how far male privilege goes. Who better to ask about it, though, than trans men and women who have lived on both sides of the divide?

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“Privilege” is a word you’ll hear often in social justice spaces, both offline and online. Some people understand the concept easily. Others – and I was like this – find the concept confusing and need a little more help. If you’re willing to learn about privilege, but you don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place! Here are the basics.

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“Being thin isn’t a privilege!” If you’ve reacted to the term “thin privilege” in this way, perhaps it’s time to examine what thin privilege actually is and why it’s just so hard for people to acknowledge.

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Person standing on a sidewalk, looking ahead seriously

Wonder why we talk about race so much? Here’s why anti-racism work isn’t separate from feminist work, but is actually a crucial component to it. These three examples show that we can’t begin to address the experiences of all women until we acknowledge race. Read on to learn more about how we can dismantle oppression by thinking of more than gender in our feminism.

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Against a yellow background, keyboard keys spell out "racism." All of the keys are white except for the "A" key, which is black.

“Why does everything have to be about race?” That question often comes from people with white privilege who aren’t exposed to even a fraction of the racial bias out there. When you can simply choose not to think about it, it’s easy to believe racial bias isn’t there. So here are examples to show the reality of racial bias to anyone doubting its pervasiveness.

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Contemporary video game narratives normalize the sexual and murderous objectification, exploitation, and violence against women so cavalierly. One can’t help but question how expose to the murderous rape culture of this media influences the perspectives and behaviors of its players. How long will we tolerate such gruesomely misogynist depictions of abuse?

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Some detrimental cultural ideals run so deep that no one even questions whether they might operate as support beams of status quo oppression. Let’s take the word “bitch” for example. As an exercise in identifying some potentially hibernating connotations that can perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes, here are a few common uses of the word “bitch” and their problematic subtexts.

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Close-up of the dictionary definition of "privilege"

We live in a time when conversations about privilege have become incredibly commonplace. It feels like privilege has gone pop – and that’s not necessarily a good thing. Because when we talk about privilege, we must do so with the kind of complexity that holds people of privilege accountable. So how does pop cultural privilege discourse hurt movements for justice? Read on.

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How can we better understand white privilege and use this knowledge to make the world better for everyone? To this day, so many conversations about [white] privilege are rendered futile because of an inability to accept that our society systematically uplifts some individuals while marginalizing others. Too often, there is a stubborn refusal to accept…

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