One of the most dangerous aspects of abusive relationships is that perpetrators convince their partners that the abuse is a sign of love. And that can be a difficult spell to break. This short film follows the story of a poet named Lucy who delivers a spoken word piece about the subtle ways that abuse began to dominate her relationship — and how she broke free.

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My maternal grandmother never referred to herself as a feminist. I’m not sure if she ever came across the term. However, throughout my childhood and into my womanhood, her words and actions have had a profound effect on how I viewed womanhood, marriage, money management, social justice, and inner peace. Here are six stories that helped to mold my feminist foundation.

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Teen and “tween” (that difficult, in-between age of 9-12) girls nowadays have it rough. Contrast this with the caveman era that I grew up in, that oh-so-long-ago decade known as the 1990s, in which girls could simply chillax and be themselves…kind of. But before we roll our eyes at the behavior of “kids these days,” we should at least consider how our adolescence was different.

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We’ve all been there – just when you think you’ve become a good ally, somebody tells you that you’ve done or said something problematic. Here’s the good news: nobody’s perfect, so you’re not alone. Perfection is not what’s important, and being an ally doesn’t mean you can do no wrong. Read about what is important, and learn what to do if you make a mistake.

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“Why is this event only for [insert marginalized identity]? I’m an ally! I want to show my support.” While it can hurt when you come with good intentions, a healing space that is only for people of a marginalized identity that you don’t share is not for you. And that’s actually ok and needed. But sometimes we forget that and demand entry. Here’s another approach.

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This is the essential conflict of being queer in a small, conservative town – should you chose to live openly and unapologetically, you might be rejected by the very people and things you’ve spent a lifetime loving. But it is possible to inspire change and build community in your own neck of the woods. The world needs people who stay and I want you to know that this flighty gay is here for you.

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Trans & GNC 5 Good Reasons Why the LGBTQIA+ Acronym Shouldn’t Include ‘Ally’ 6 Affirmations for Trans Folks Who Don’t Feel ‘Trans Enough’ 5 Ways Trans People Can Support Other Trans People 10 Reasons Why Trans Folks Need Trans-Dedicated Spaces 10 Things Trans Activists and Allies Need to Remember That Have Nothing to Do With…

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At one point during this year’s Oscars ceremony, it dawned on me: Many people don’t know the difference between trans women and drag queens! There seems to be an assumption that all people assigned male at birth who grow up to wear clothing from the women’s section identify the same way. That couldn’t be further from the truth. So let’s talk about this difference.

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The decision to come out and to whom is as individual as you are. It is likely that you will have to come out to those people closest to you and those you see frequently. However, being publicly out – as an activist or as anyone in the public eye – is a decision you must weigh. Here are some thoughts on when and how to come out but remember, only you know what’s right for you and your situation.

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