When I first told people that my husband was having an affair, I got a few different reactions. Some blamed me for his infidelity; others thought I was weak to consider staying. But I don’t think these are the only options. Here’s what I want you to know if you are ever involved in or asked to support a friend in a painful infidelity aftermath.

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Two weeks after my birthday, I remember sending out text messages to close friends about my whereabouts as I was getting ready to protest Hillary Clinton. It was Oct. 30th, 2015 and I — along with eight other AUC Shut It Down student organizers — planned to interrupt Hillary Clinton as she spoke to Black…

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No matter where we are in the world, people who risk expression will always be perceived as threats to people who look to preserve a sense of normalcy based on what makes them comfortable. All I know is that I will continue to express myself, and I will continue to prioritize the nurturing of children willing to confidently express themselves, too.

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Put very simply, self-care is an intentional practice of taking care of ourselves. Now if you’re a type A productivity monster such as myself, you may have already stopped reading because you’ve got things to do. Am I right? I’ve said that all too many times before to myself. But if our obsession with productivity is keeping us from taking care of ourselves, we’ve got a problem.

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With the passage of the new year, most consider the holiday season to be officially over. Almost overnight, we turn our focus to self-improvement. Holidays can be a stressful time for many. The resulting strain can leave you feeling exhausted and resistant to starting your next chapter. If you’re feeling holiday burnout, here are some self-care tips for the new year.

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Too many times, oppressed people use whatever power they have secured to oppress another instead of using that power to challenge the hierarchal order of things. Internalized racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, and misogyny are all alive and well and we must continue to battle those beasts within. We have to ask more of ourselves and the communities we are a part of.

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I was watching the Disney movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame when I suddenly went into shock. Right from the start, seeing Quasimodo be the recipient of so much gaslighting – being told that the world wasn’t safe, that he would never be accepted or loved, that Frollo had only his best interest at heart…

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